*Subject to change as conditions change
- Masking is not required during activities (practice and game) for athletes and referees.
- Masking is required of athletes at all other times including bench, locker rooms, bus.
- Universal masking of all coaches, directors, and spectators is required for all indoor activities until further notice.
- Failure to comply with universal mask mandates may result in an individual’s removal from the venue and may result in a forfeit of the match for the team represented by the individual.
- COVID-19 vaccination is highly recommended for all athletes and coaches as a measure to reduce serious illness and limit the number of individuals on quarantine on the team due to close contact.
Pool Testing
●Pooled testing is highly recommended for all athletes and coaches
●Unvaccinated athletes must participate in pooled testing in order to play unmasked.
●Spectators will be required to wear masks during all indoor activities.
●Due to the size of the HES gym, a limited number are allowed for the home team (2 / player). We are not allowing fans from away teams. There may be space to allow 4 fans / player for 8th graders only. Please make arrangements ahead of time. There will be sign-up list for all fans. Please email Danielle at Danielle.fagonde@fivetowns.net before 2:00 PM of game day.
●Schools should communicate with opposing schools regarding local policy and expectations.
Coach/Director Reminders
●Remind athletes and coaching staff to remain masked at all times, including on the bus, on the bench, and in locker rooms.
●Remind athletes/performers and coaching staff to step away at least 6-feet when lowering the mask to take a drink of water.
●Remind athletes/performers and coaching staff to regularly wash and sanitize hands, especially when exiting and entering the event.
Locker Rooms
●Locker rooms will be accessible to both home and away teams.
●Live stream events whenever possible.
●Clear out the gym from one game before starting the next.
●Spectators on one side of the gym only.
●Absence of concession stand (help deal with masking management).
- Schools will adhere to all guidelines set by individual facilities unless a particular school has stricter guidelines that must be followed.
Rationale for Unmasked Players on the Floor
We recognize the masking requirement for being actively engaged in the sport or performance art event is currently different than the requirements for the school day. The rationale for this is outlined below:
- Following Midcoast Superintendent Regional Guidelines.
- Referees are requesting to not be masked. We have a serious problem with referee shortage.
- During athletics and most performing arts events, students are exerting themselves far more than they do during the school day.
- Wet masks are not effective and inhibit breathing during high exertion.
- The activities are optional.
- Our 7th and 8th gr. student vaccination for rate is 54% and our adult vaccination rate is over 95%.
- The majority of teams in our league will allow players to be unmasked on the floor.